Bali Bali Places or Venue - Bali Lakes

Lake Buyan 

Description: Buyan is surrounded by evergreen forest and vegetation. Its fresh air gives pleasant and comfort to the visitors. Here, visitors usually rent a traditional yacht (Perahu in Balinese) to enjoy some activities, such as fishing or lake crossing. Other attractions include groups of tamed monkey in the forest around the main road. 
Location: Buyan Lake is located at the district of Sukasada, about 21 km south of Singaraja at an altitude of 1000 meters above the sea level, making it always fresh and cool. 
Facility: parking area, traditional yachts for rent, some bungalows and restaurants. 

Lake Beratan 

Description: Beratan Lake is located on the eastern side of Buyan Lake. Here, visitors also can enjoy similar activities as in Buyan. There is a massive temple called Pura Ulun Danu in the west side of the lake. The local Hindus believe this temple is the realm of the God of Prosperity, Sang Hyang Dewi Danu. 
Location: Beratan Lake is located in the edge of Catur Mountain, Candikuning Village, sub-district of Baturiti, Tabanan. The Bedugul Botanical Garden and Amusement Park is located nearby the lake. Facility: private villas, bungalows, traditional market and restaurants. 

Lake Tamblingan 

Description: The view at Tamblingan Lake is breath-taking with Lesong Mountain (1860 m) at the background, creating the silhouette on the water looks like a big crystal. Here, there are many historical temples which record the development of Balinese culture. 
Location: This Lake is located at Munduk Village, sub-district of Banjar, Singaraja. Lake Tamblingan is on the western side of Buyan Lake, separated by only few hundreds meter of green forest. 
Facility: Lake Tamblingan is an appeal for nature lovers. There is no modern facility, only several traditional bungalows and restaurants. 

Lake Batur 

Description: Lake Batur must be formerly the caldera of Mt. Batur, before it rose to its current peak, just nearby the lake. This caldera was caused by the most terrifying eruption of Batur Mountain in 1926. There is a holy spring the water of which is believed to be able to rinse human soul, the location of which Hindu’s ceremony regularly is celebrated. Near the lake is Batur Temple, one of the six Hindu main temples in Bali (Sad Kahyangan). 
Location: Batur Lake is located in the sub-district of Kintamani, Bangli, 65 km from Denpasar.  
Facility: accommodations, traditional boats, souvenir market, restaurants.

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